
Darba Jaunatne 1929 Nr 9


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Izdevējs: Darba Jaunatne
Lpp. skaits: 16
Iesējums: Brošēts
Mākslinieks: Jānis Liepiņš (?) (vāks)
Iespiedums: Pirmizdevums
Kvalitāte: Kā jauna
Valoda: latviešu

Darba Jaunatne.  Nr. 1 (janv. 1929)-Nr.17 (15. dec. 1933) Rīga : Darba jaunatne, 1929-1933. nr. : il. ; 23-27 cm.

Piedāvājumā Darba Jaunatne 1929 Nr 9. Septembris

Strādnieku jaunatnes biedrības "Darba jaunatne" izdotais žurnāls no 1929. līdz 1933. gadam.

Darba Jaunatne (The Working Youth), no. 9 (September 1929).

Original pictorial cover with a photomontage design (possibly) by Latvian avant-garde graphic designer and painter Janis Liepiņš (?).

Rare Communist youth journal issued by the eponymous "Darba Jaunatne" organization, which promoted political education for young workers.

The text on the wrappers reading "Mēs jaunu pasauli sev celsim!" ("We will build a new world for ourselves!").

Title: Darba Jaunatne

Publication Date: 1929

Publisher: Darba Jaunatne

Publication Place: Riga

Binding: soft cover

Pages: 16

Edition: First edition

The Cover design: Janis Liepiņš (?)

Language: Latvian

Copies: limited edition (aprox. 1000)

Book Condition: Fine

The journal Darba Jaunatne condition is Fine, Like New. Rare, especially in such good condition.

Pārdod tikai kopā ar kolekciju “Avangards. Konstruktīvisms”.

Lūdzu jautāt cenu.

More detailed annotation is in process.

Available only as  a part of collection “Avant-garde. Constructivism”.

Please inquire  about the price.

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